Your First Visit

What can I expect at my First Consultation?

Booking your first visit

Dr Ben Beamond consults at Wakefield Orthopaedic Clinic (WOC).

This Clinic is within the new Calvary Adelaide Hospital (CAH).

Level 2
Consulting Block
120 Angas St, Adelaide 5000

Please see Map 2nd Floor CAH and WOC on the Forms and Downloads page under FIRST VISIT menu.

To book an initial consultation please:
  • Phone our rooms on (08) 8236 4158 
  • Fax a referral to (08) 8236 4110
  • Email a referral to
Dr Beamond sees patients covered by private health insurance, DVA and Defence, and self-insurance.

As of 2025, he no longer sees Workers' Compensation and Third Party cases.

Dr Beamond does not provide opinions in public liability cases or undertake Permanent Impairment Assessments.

Preparing for your first visit 

Please remember to bring:
  • a current referral (unless already sent)
  • Medicare, DVA or pension card
  • private hospital insurance details
  • a list of medications and allergies
  • all relevant X-rays and scans
Dr Beamond can access most images electronically but needs to know where they were performed. 

Wear loose pants or other clothing that allows full viewing of the leg, ankle and foot. Tight pants and long stockings are not recommended.

Please allow enough time to find a car-park and arrive at the Clinic 10 minutes early for completion of paperwork. See the CONTACT menu for help with parking options.

Dr Beamond tries to see people on time but short delays can occur.

The Hospital and Clinic are strictly non-smoking areas. Smoking is also very bad for ankle and foot healing. Surgery will not be recommended to active smokers.

During your first visit

You will be greeted on arrival at reception and be asked to complete a patient information form (unless already done).

Dr Beamond will personally bring you into the consultation room. Average initial consultation time is 25 - 30 minutes.

A complete relevant history will be taken and a clinical examination performed. This should not be painful.

Your investigations (X-ray, scans, etc) will be shown to you and the findings explained.

A diagnosis and management plan are usually able to be decided on during this first visit. Available non-surgical and surgical treatments are discussed. 

Outcomes of this first visit can include:
  • planned follow-up
  • further investigations
  • referral for non-surgical treatment
  • booking surgery
  • referral back to your GP.
Our aim is to provide you with all the information you need to make informed decisions about managing your health.

Please ask questions and express any specific concerns or fears you may have regarding your condition or treatment.

After your first visit

Dr Beamond always sends a detailed letter outlining the initial consultation to your referring doctor.

Please advise if you are happy for copies to also go to your allied health professionals (physiotherapist, podiatrist). 

We take the privacy of your medical information very seriously.

To read our Privacy Policy, please see below.

If you have a question about the consultation or planned treatment, please call or email. This is really important and always promptly answered.

Can I bring a friend or family member?

Dr Beamond encourages a friend or family member to accompany you to your consultation. They can provide suitable help if and when required.

Limited seating is available in the Clinic waiting room and Dr Beamond's consulting room. Please consider this before coming with several companions.

Ideally, small children should be with someone else during the appointment. However, Dr Beamond has two children of his own and fully understands they sometimes need you with them.

Can you arrange an interpreter?

An interpreter can be arranged upon request. Trusted family members can help in most circumstances.

Please let us know if one will be needed at the time of making the appointment.


Dr Beamond's practice is a small business with significant costs. Payment in full is expected at the time of the appointment. Medicare does not completely cover the cost of your consultation. Patients are able to claim back some of his fee from Medicare with a valid referral.

Payment options are:
  • MasterCard and Visa Card
  • Cash

Wakefield Orthopaedic Clinic Privacy Policy

The personal health information that you provide during your consultation and subsequent treatment will be used for the purposes of providing you with high quality health care. Our policy is to protect your privacy and accordingly the information you provide will only be disclosed to other members of your medical treatment team where necessary. It will also be disclosed to other organisations where required by law or where required for billing or debt recovery purposes. 

A copy of our full Patient Privacy Policy is available on our website ( or at The Clinic's reception. If you have any concerns about the way we manage your health information, please let us know. In the first instance this can be done by contacting the Business Manager/Privacy Officer (08 8236 4100). 

If you are still dissatisfied, you can contact the Federal Privacy Commissioner at: Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC), GPO BOX 5218 SYDNEY NSW 2001, Privacy Hotline: 1300 363 922, Website:

Disclosure of Interest

Dr Beamond presents papers at academic surgeon conferences, industry sponsored meetings and education training meetings. Dr Beamond does not receive any direct commercial benefit related to your care. Dr Beamond is not aware of any conflicts or bias related to your treatment choices.
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